Welcome, Gamesharks!

This is your official companion to my Youtube channel! You know, in case you’re still a hungry shark! 

I absolutely love games, despite my evident ineptitude for actually playing them. They have surpassed all early day expectations, and are now recognised (deservedly so) as a modern art form to rival such leviathans as film and TV. It’s wonderful to see so many titles being dropped into our ocean of gaming year after year, but beware! There are nets everywhere, trying to catch us with alluring fishhook DLC, jucy pay-to-win choice cuts, and worst of all…chumming. What do I mean by that? That’s when those cooperate fishermen decide to release their games in bite-sized chunks, forcing us to stick around until we’ve had our entire meal, one little piece at a time. If that weren’t enough, we even have to deal with really promising looking feasts that are released in an inedible state, forcing us to update and patch for the months to follow! I don’t know about the rest of you Gamesharks, but I don’t like under-prepared meals! Gone are the days when we could simply buy a game, and know that it would work to a high standard. Now we get games that are released with the attitude of, ‘Oh well, we’ll be able to fix it later, just get it out the door’.

What I’m getting at is that our modern gaming ocean is full of unsatisfying fish guts. Are there any tunas or halibuts out there at all? Well yes there are, lots in fact, and we’re going to find and devour them. Join me as we scour the electronic oceans for those magnificent gaming banquets. They’re out there, you just need to know where to hunt…